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Before taking any next steps, it is important that you know for sure that you have a relationship with Jesus and that you have a home in Heaven secured for you.
To know Jesus as your Savior, you must first understand a few things about God. First, God is Creator (Genesis 1:1). God made all things for His glory. Most importantly, God made you in His image. Second, God is Holy (Isaiah 6:3). God is perfect in every way. He never sins and He never makes mistakes. Third, God is in Heaven (Psalm 115:3). God dwells in a perfect place called Heaven. Finally, God Loves You (Jermiah 31:3). God loves you in a unique and special way. He loves you specifically.
Once we understand who God is, it is important that we understand who we are. You and I are sinners. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Sin is anything I say, think, or do that breaks God’s law. Basically, anything we do the Bible tells us not to do, we have sinned. Also, anything we don’t do that the Bible tells us to do, we have sinned. Because God is holy and perfect in every way, our sin separates us from God and keeps us from having a home in Heaven. The price for sin is death (Romans 6:23). Death is separation from God. This is bad news!
But, there is GOOD NEWS! John 3:16 tells us that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus is God in the flesh who came down from Heaven and lived among us. He lived a sinless and perfect life. Ultimately, He was rejected and suffered a horrifying death. He was crucified and He died. The blood He shed paid the price for your sin and mine. He died in our place! Jesus was buried in a tomb. However, three days later He rose again. He has now ascended back into Heaven with a promise that He will one day return.
When we by faith believe on the Lord Jesus, He will take away the penalty of sin from us and make us clean. Romans 10:13 says, “Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved.” Do you believe that Jesus is God in the flesh? Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins? Do you believe that Jesus rose from the grave and is alive today? Do you believe that Jesus is coming again? If so, all you must do is pray and let God know you believe in Jesus and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and make you clean and give you a home in Heaven. When we go to Him, believing, He promises to accept you into His Kingdom.
Once you have believed in Jesus for your salvation, it is important that you grow in your walk with Him.
Go to church
Read your Bible and Pray everyday
Obey God’s Word
Witness and tells others about Jesus
If you have just received Jesus as your Savior or if you would like to know more about how you can have salvation, give us a call today: 931-967-6447.
Once you have come to faith in Jesus, you may be asking, “What’s next?” Water Baptism is the first act of obedience for the believer.
Baptism is not a way to salvation. The Bible is very clear that we are not saved by our works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Baptism does not wash your sins away nor does it guarantee you a home in Heaven.
Baptism is symbolic of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It is also symbolic that we have entered a new life with Christ. When you go under the water, it demonstrates the fact that you have died to yourself. When you come up out of the water, it demonstrates that you are a new person, and you have a new life in Christ.
God commands us to be baptized as a first step for our spiritual growth and to demonstrate to others our faith in Jesus.
If you would like to be baptized, connect with our pastor and we will be glad to assist you in that next step.
Attending Sunday School is essential for your spiritual growth. You cannot really grow as a Christian without connecting with other believers. Sunday School provides the best opportunity to get connected. Often, we will see people attend Sunday morning worship services for a while and then fade away never to be seen again. The reason for this is a lack of connection. When you get connected and build relationships with others in the church you will be more likely to stay faithful to the Lord and to the church. Sunday School gives you that connection with other believers that you need.
At FBC Decherd we have Sunday School classes for all ages and all walks of life. We would love for you to connect with others in Sunday School this week! For more info about our Sunday School ministry CLICK HERE.
Once you have received Christ as your Savior, baptized, and connect with others in Sunday School, the next step is to consider church membership.
Being a member of the church provides opportunity for greater accountability and service. As a church member, your spiritual growth will increase as you take that next step of commitment and involvement in the family of God.
Church members at FBC Decherd are expected to agree to and abide by our doctrinal statement, constitution and bylaws, and policies and procedures. Church members are also expected to use their spiritual gifts in serving through the church, and also to give financially (tithe) on a regular basis. The FBC Decherd Ministry Manuel is available upon request.
All those who are baptized believers in Christ and have completed our church membership class qualify to become church members. New members are accepted by baptism, statement of faith, or by a letter of recommendation from a previous church.
Everyone who attends FBC Decherd is encouraged to live a missional life by using their spiritual gifts for the edification of the church, for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom, and for the glory of God.
For assistance in discovering your spiritual gifts you may talk with your Sunday School teacher or speak to our pastor.
There are opportunities for everyone to serve at FBC Decherd, however, specific roles such as serving on a committee, teaching a class, or serving in the nursery and working with children is reserved only for church members in good standing.