Why Our Church
Friendly Community
At FBC Decherd we have a strong sense of community. We are one family that seeks to glorify God in everything that we do. People of all ages are encouraged to be engaged in their own spiritual growth and to use their spiritual gifts for the edifying of the entire church family and to reach their community and the world with the Good News of Jesus.
Our Team
Lead Pastor
FBC Decherd is currently without a Lead Pastor. We are prayerfully seeking the Lord to reveal who He has chosen to be our next pastor.
Secretary – Debra Roberts
Debra has served as church secretary for more than 20 years. She and her husband, Larry, have been faithful members of FBC Decherd for over 40 years.
Ministry Directors
The Ministry Directors of FBC Decherd are mature believers in Christ who have proven themselves faithful and volunteers their time to help lead the various ministries of our church. The Ministry Directors serves under the direction of our Lead Pastor and/or a staff member who is responsible for the oversight of specific areas of ministry.
Youth Director – James Atkinson
James leads our youth ministry with an emphasis on our mid-week youth ministry, The GAP. James does a great job building relationships with the teens and teaching them the Word of God in a way that builds within them a Biblical world-view.
Children’s Ministry Director – Amy Crabtree
With a love for children and their families, Amy faithfully oversees all aspects of our Children’s Ministry with a special focus on our mid-week Bible Drills ministry for children.
Sunday School Director – Steve Dixon
Steve Dixon grew up at FBC Decherd and has been a faithful member for many years. He currently serves as our Sunday School director with a passion for seeing our Sunday School grow to reach more people with the Gospel and to build community amongst believers.
Missions Director – Madolyn Chitwood
Women’s Ministry Director – Madolyn Chitwood
Madolyn Chitwood provides leadership for our women’s ministry. She works to provide Bible study opportunities for women as well as encouraging women to serve the Lord faithfully.
Men’s Ministry Director – Bruce Jones
A long time member of FBC, Bruce Jones, works to build relationships with the men of our church and to encourage them in being the men that God has called them to be as the spiritual leaders of their home and community.
Senior Adult Ministry Director – Jill Miller
Jill is a long-time member of FBC Decherd. She enjoys working with our Senior Adults. She plans special events and mission projects for Senior Adults to be involved in.
What We Believe
First Baptist Decherd holds to a traditional Baptist doctrine with an emphasis on a literal, dispensational, pre-millennial, historical, grammatical, cultural, view of scripture.
For further detail on what we believe, see The Baptist Faith and Message.
A copy of our ministry manual that includes our constitution, by-laws, positional papers, and policies & procedures is available upon request.
Contact Us
If you need help or would like to know more about First Baptist Church Decherd, feel free to contact us:
Phone: (931) 967-6447
Email: [email protected]
703 W. Broad Street
Decherd, TN 37324
Office hours:
Monday: 8am – 3pm
Tuesday-Friday: 8am – Noon